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Empowerment through the Martial Arts

Build Confidence, Strength, and Discipline

The Mount Anthony Karate Center, Sikaran School of Vermont, is the only Sikaran Karate Institute in the state of Vermont. 
The best source of information is to come and talk to us.  

We are located next door to Hollister's Appliances at 120 Depot Street.
Master Joe Bump has studied Sikaran Karate for over 55 years and is ready to share his experiences with those students who wish to learn.

Information can be found at  

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Grand Master.gif

Grandmaster Louis T Lagerejos


Started in the jungles of Luzon in the Philippines, SIKARAN is the only classical Philippine style of karate.  Much of the original history is lost, however, SIKARAN did exist when the islands were discovered by the Spanish in 1521.It is a style of karate in which the legs are very strong.  There are several kicks which have earned SIKARAN the popularity it enjoys and are responsible for the strength of the legs of its participants.  The BIACHI (similar to a hook kick) and the BATAMBA (flying spinning back kick) are deceiving to an opponent trying to block them.  The Front Kick, Roundhouse Kick, and the Side Thrust Kick are executed in such a manner that the knee does not snap (which causes much of the damage to that joint seen in martial arts today).  there are also many types of flying and spinning flying kicks.The hands are used to block and parry, and there are some hand strikes used only by SIKARAN practitioners.  These techniques include PANGAHILOS (paralyzing blocks, strikes and kicks) followed by PAMATORY (potentially fatal blows).SIKARAN is a tough style with its roots going back to ancient tradition in the Philippines.  One of these traditions involved dating.  If two young men wished to woo a young lady, they would place their sandals on her doorstep.  If she wished to accept one of them, she would bring his sandals inside.  If she would not choose, the two men would fight to the death with their wrists tied together by a cord and a balisong (butterfly knife) in the other hand.  Often the winner was in no shape to claim her hand. Fortunately some of the older traditions have been omitted.Under Marcos' rule, the Balisong was outlawed in the Philippines, but its study is included in the SIKARAN schools in the U.S. along with the other classical weaponry.  The SIKARAN style today includes all of the traditional Philippine weapons including sticks, balisong, kris, etc.Under Spanish rule, laws were passed outlawing the study of martial arts and it was necessary for the practitioners to hide their study of the art.  This is why there are no shouts in the SIKARAN system to this day.When Grandmaster Louis Lagarejos came to the United States, he brought with him all of the original SIKARAN techniques and there were few knowledgeable people left in the Philippines to carry out the art and it seemed to have died out.  Some attempts have been made to revive this "lost" art, however, it has been alive and well in the U.S. for over 75 years.

Master Joe Bump

Master Joe first got interested in karate while appeasing his father in the back yard of his home in Vermont.  Though just a young child, there was something interesting in what Dad had to say.  During the course of that first "class", Joe managed to hit his father in the nose and draw blood.  Though this would not be the last time it would happen, it was the first.  
In 1969, Joe was introduced to Sensei George Chartier in Laconia, NH.  The first time he worked out in the Sikaran dojo was an experience in pain, sweat and extreme admiration for the art of Sikaran Karate.  During those first years, the experiences mounted, first meeting Sensei, then meeting Master Louis Lagarejos, then watching the other black belts in training.  There were tournaments and seminars, lots of time training and without knowing it, Joe became hooked on Sikaran as a way of life.

In 1976, Joe was compelled to serve his country, joining the Army and moving away from home.  Though only a young student in the Sikaran family, he took his knowledge and shared it with many people.  Classes were formed and knowledge shared throughout the world.  Joe taught in the states of Washington, Kentucky and Louisiana, as well as in the country of Germany.
In 1985, Joe was assigned to recruiting duty back home in Vermont, and finally was given the opportunity to come back to the temple in New Hampshire.  Wearing a brown  belt and with very little knowledge, Joe arrived at She-Hai and started over.  During the next three years, Joe would become a Shodan and learn the art of Sikaran through Master Chartier and Grandmaster Lagarejos.  Mount Anthony Karate Center was born in 1986 and has remained since.
During this time, Joe met and fell in love with the woman who would share the rest of his life with.  Joe and Lisa were married in 1987 with the Sikaran family in attendance.
In 1988, Joe was once again called away.  Duty would keep him away until 1995, when he would retire from the Army after 20 years of service.  During this time, tradgety would strike.  The loss of Lisa's mom and Joe's step-father brought him home and on one occassion, personal injury almost ended his life in Sikaran.  In 1993, a swimming pool accident compressed the spinal column and discs in Joe's neck, causing temporary paralysis and pain.  18 months of therapy and doctors visits finally helped to ease the pain.

Joe and Lisa returned home for good in 1995.  Five long years later, Joe decided that he couldn't live without Sikaran and once again the Mount Anthony Karate Center was opened and classes began.

Now the real training began.  Having been so long on his own, Joe would make many trips over the mountain, training with Master Chartier, Sifu Crane and anyone else who would share knowledge.  Master Sheldon Bedell became a mentor and a friend.  There were tournaments, she-hai's and always the classes at the dojo.  Students started to develop into teachers and over the years Joe changed from young teacher to elder to master.  In 2005. Grandmaster Lagarejos passed. It was a sad time for all of us.  But fate was not done and the following year we lost Master Chartier.  Within the next few years, we lost Master Sheldon Bedell, the temple in New Hampshire closed and then Covid struck, causing the closing of the school.

Real tragedy struck in June of 2024, when we lost Lisa to cancer.  Having pretty much decided to resign from teaching at all, Master Joe found himself in need of something.  SIKARAN fit that need completely and the decision to rebuild and reopen the dojo was born.  Now, Master Joe is ready to teach anyone who has the desire to learn.


With his Granddaughter at his side, the Mount Anthony Karate Center opens once again.


Exceptional Black Belt Instruction

Lil' Dragon Class
Designed for children aged 6 to 12.  Emphasis on Respect, Confidence, Awareness and Discipline.


Teen Classes
Designed for teens aged 13 to 17.  Learn awareness and self-confidence. Respect and discipline.

Adult Classes
Designed for men and women aged 17 and above.  Stretch, exercise and learn self-defense and the art of karate.


Joe Bump-Master 57 years' experience 
Dave Bushee-Sensei 15 years
Connor Bushee-Sensei 12 years
Jason Mativi-Shodan 9 years
John Gotsch-Shodan 9 years


A Typical Sikaran Class     

Class begins with personal stretching with a partner.  Class falls in and pays respect to their school, grandmaster, master and their instructors.  Exercise is fast and vigoruos.  Let the sweat begin.  Following the exercises, there is more stretching and preparing the mind and body for the class ahead.  Then comes kicks, drills and forms.  Sometimes there is fighting or self-defense techniques.  Class ends as it began, paying respect to each other and to those who have come before them.  Most importantly, every class is hard, but fun.  We come to class as brothers and sisters and we leave the same way.  We learn discipline and respect for each other and those who share our environment.

Womens' Self-Defense Classes
Specifically for women aged 16 and above.  Emphasis is on real world training for today's environment

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